Latest News
How the Shepherd Program Shaped my Career Path
SHECP Council Member Publishes Essay related to Understanding Racial Injustice in “Sojourners&
Subtleties of Poverty and Race: A Zimbabwean-in-America’s Perspective
Nutrition and Community: The Keys to Health in Camden
Connections between Mental Health and Poverty
Filling My Loving Cup
Poverty Studies and Business: A Seamless Integration
Hope We Must, Persevere We Will
Possessing a High Sense of Public Service
What Happens when Help is Gone?
The American Dream: Whose Dream is it Anyway?
Poverty Studies Leads to Policy Research Aspirations
Room 209
Engendering Confidence for Leadership in Community Reduces Poverty
Demanding Education as Opportunity When Prison is Viewed as a Home
How Mobile Oasis Improves Nutrition and Builds Community
Challenges to the Universal Right to Healthcare – CrossOver Ministry and the Shepherd Experien
Expanding My Concept of Health and Healthcare
Chemical Dependency Epidemic Reveals How US Healthcare Fails the Poor
Redefining Justice
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