Latest News
Korn Learns about Poverty when She Least Expects It
Goike and Mathew Learn about Treating Drug Addiction to Limit Poverty
Elizabeth Forester Discovers an Empowering Community on N Street
Leigh Anne Buckley Finds Hope on the X9 Bus
Ware discovers the benefits of youth political advocacy
SHECP Alumna to Return to Navajo Nation for Teach for America
Birdrow Refines Her Views on Freedom and Deservedness
Finucane Recieves Award for Excellence in Service
Reasoner Assists Patients, Learns about Health
Tullio Experiences Health Care Access in SE Kentucky
Gandolfo Writes on Education and Poverty in Volume Honoring Ignacio Ellacuría, SJ
Megan Boyk Considers Healthcare for HIV/AIDs Patient in North Carolina
Poverty Group Director Visits Ohio University
Beckley Addresses Role of Higher Ed in ‘Rethinking Poverty’
Marymount University to Host Opening Conference
Kevin Blair Writes for Spotlight on Poverty
Emma Busse Learns About Community Development in Camden, New Jersey
Poverty Group Announces DeHart Appointment
Arrina Nastoff Makes New Friend in Danville, Kentucky
Matthew Germaine Knows Food and Nutrition
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