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2019 Opening Conference: Session E

Session E: How Do You Do Your Job?

(students meet in groups by work area)

Friday, June 7, 2:45 – 4:15 PM

I. Social Services

Group A Women, Immigrants, Refugees Rowley Hall, Room G205

Welcome: Kathryn McEvoy, Washington and Lee University 2019, SHECP Intern 2017


  1. Tanya (TMarcus) Khan, N Street Village

  2. Carolyn Lewis, N Street Village

Group BHousing and General Social Services Rowley Hall, Room G206

Welcome: Andre Ware, Niagara University 2016, SHECP Intern 2014

Presenter: Stacey L. Johnson, LGSW, Resource Systems Specialist, Bread for the City

II. Legal and Business/Government

Group A Legal Rowley Hall, Room G127

Welcome: Mason Grist, Washington and Lee University 2018, SHECP Intern 2015


  1. Blair Moore, Mitigation Specialist with the Office of the Public Defender for the City of Alexandria, VA.

  2. Tameka Parker, Mitigation Specialist with the Office of the Public Defender for Arlington County and the City of Falls Church

Group B – Business & Government Rowley Room G142

Welcome and Presentation: Brian Hollar, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Finance, Director of Economics Program, Accounting, Economics & Finance, Marymount University

III. Education and Youth Outreach

Rowley Hall, Room G206

Welcome: Jaziah Master, Baylor University, 2017, SHECP Intern 2015

Presenter: Alicia Copeland, After-School & Summer Programs Director, Parks & People Foundation

IV. Healthcare

Reinsch Library – Auditorium

Welcome: Matt Muller, Washington and Lee University 2020, SHECP Intern 2018

Presenter: Kim Cosgrove, LCSW-C, Program Director, PACT’s Therapeutic Nurseries, Early Head Start, Clinical Social Worker, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Child & Family Support Program


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