The Center for Social Concerns and the Poverty Studies Interdisciplinary Minor at the University of Notre Dame will host a three-day Community Engagement Faculty Institute on May 24-26, 2016.
The Institute focuses on community-based learning and community-based research, covering the ways in which such issues as healthcare, immigration, incarceration, and education intersect with poverty. This brief agenda from 2015 gives a sense of the topics and scope of past iterations of the Faculty Institute. In 2016, the Institute will focus on ways to teach poverty through community-based methods.

The 2016 Institute will focus on Institute will focus on ways to teach poverty through community-based methods.

2015 Faculty Institute participants at Notre Dame. This year’s Institute is open to SHECP Faculty and Staff.
Notre Dame invites SHECP faculty, staff, and their community partners to apply for the Institute and to propose presentations of their own. The Institute will blend lectures by Notre Dame Faculty experienced in community-based learning, presentations by guest participants, excursions into the local community to meet community partners, and formal and informal discussions. Time will be allocated for SHECP members to workshop course and research ideas in a forum where members can share insight and experience. To apply, Shepherd Consortium members must complete this application form.
Notre Dame is supporting the Institute so that the cost to SHECP and other applicants accepted for the Institute will be limited to travel, meals, and lodging. You may choose between seminar rooms for $25 per night and inexpensive hotel rooms at approximately $100 per night. While we expect participants to find funding for their expenses, SHECP and Notre Dame have limited scholarship funding for participants who need a subsidy. Please exhaust other funding possibilities before asking for the subsidy.
Please apply early in order to have a better opportunity to be accepted and to propose conference travel grants to support your participation. The participant capacity is limited and will include a cohort of Notre Dame Faculty as well. .
This Institute is a wonderful opportunity for SHECP faculty and staff to consult and network with each other and with additional faculty, staff, and community partners with common interests and goals.
The SHECP office is grateful for this offer by the University of Notre Dame and hopes that it becomes a model for other SHECP members to host occasions to advance our work in poverty studies.
Application and program – contact Connie Mick, Center for Social Concerns, Poverty Studies Inter. Minor, University of Notre Dame.
Limited scholarship help – contact Jennifer Warlick, Poverty Studies Inter. Minor, University of Notre Dame; or Harlan Beckley, SHECP. (Please exhaust other funding possibilities before asking for the subsidy.)