Poverty Studies Students to Prepare for Summer Internships at Marymount University.
Lexington, VA — The Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty (SHECP) announced today a record group of one-hundred twenty (120) students have been selected to serve as Shepherd Interns for summer 2017.
The interns, who represent twenty SHECP Member-colleges, will participate in the two-day Frueauff Opening Conference at Marymount University, Arlington, VA, June 2 & 3, 2017.
Marymount University has host the Opening Conference for the third consecutive year. The SHECP Cohort has grown from 94 in 2015 (pictured here) to 120 in 2017.
SHECP faculty and staff can now register for the conference and book their rooms at the Arlington Hilton. See the faculty and staff lodging page for details. Interns will be residing on the Marymount University Campus. Intern registration will open in May.
The conference seeks to advance intern engagement through the summer internship experience and beyond. The Frueauff Conference is named in recognition of its principal financial supporter, the Charles A. Frueauff Foundation of Little Rock, AR.
Interns will depart from the conference on Sunday, June 4, for their full-time, eight week, volunteer work to impoverished communities in about 20 cities or towns in the U.S., including Camden, N.J.; Atlanta, GA; Charleston, WV; Louisville, KY; and Cleveland, OH.
The internship provides students with first-hand experience in the multiple dimensions of poverty in the United States by working alongside individuals seeking to improve their communities and opportunities. Students work with agencies that fit their intellectual and career interests in order to develop their experience and skills for future civic involvement and employment. Work areas include Community and Business Development; Criminal Law and Legal Aid; Education and Youth Outreach; Employment Services; Pubic Health and Health Care; and, Individual and Family Services.
In preparation for the internships, the orientation conference will begin with a meal and then Friday evening, interns will gather by geographic cohort to begin building a rapport with each other to build the foundation of a collaborative summer. The bonds students create while living with other undergraduates of varying backgrounds is as important to the summer as the internship itself. Each group will face struggles and opportunities throughout the summer, and this initial meeting will begin their development of strategies for building a supportive summer home environment, personal safety, and living on a limited summer budget.
On Saturday morning, attendees will hear from SHECP Executive Director, Harlan Beckley and long-time SHECP mentor Matt Hanna, Internship Supervisor, DC Public Defender Services.
Matthew Hannah, Internship Supervisor, Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia will speak to interns on Saturday.
Mr. Hannah will address the relationship of mutual responsibility that interns should expect between interns and supervisors and discuss the Clarence Gideon story (Gideon v. Wainwright: the right to an attorney if you can’t afford one.)
Saturday will also include a variety of session to help prepare them for the internship and integrate it with their academic work as well as the July 31 SHECP Symposium on Criminal Justice, Poverty, and Race.
SHECP faculty and staff are invited to register for an interactive session that will frame some theories for reflection and offer some readings and assignments that prompt productive integration of academic and experiential learning. Participants should leave with concrete ideas for curricula to help support student development pre-, during, and post-internship. This session will be led by Connie Mick of the University of Notre Dame.
Connie Mick discussing poverty and privilege at the University of Notre Dame. Photo courtesy of the University of Notre Dame. Dr. Mick will lead a session for faculty and staff on Saturday.