Two SHECP Internship Alumni, Rebecca B. Dunn and Anna Paden Carson, have been published in the current issue of VA Engage Journal (Vol 4. 2015). Dunn’s article about the role of sports programs in combatting infectious diseases is entitled, “Right to Play and Right to Health: the Role of Sub-Saharan Sport for Development Programs in the HIV/AIDS Pandemic.” Dunn was a 2015 Intern with LIFT Communities, Inc. in Washington, DC. Carson’s article explores challenges faced by immigrant and refugee women and is entitled, ” Invisible: My Experiences with the Undocumented and Abused.” Carson was a 2014 Intern with Tapestri, Inc. in Altanta. Both Dunn and Carson are students at Washington and Lee University.
“The VA Engage Journal promotes engaged scholarship by undergraduate, professional, and graduate students. The mission of the VA Engage Journal is to build our collective practical and intellectual capacities for meaningful community engagement by providing a forum in which students enrolled in colleges and universities across Virginia can share and reflect critically on their own community-engaged experiences, and can disseminate knowledge emerging from their engaged practice and research.”
“The VA Engage Journal was founded in 2011 as an initiative of VA Engage, a network of universities in the Commonwealth of Virginia that are dedicated to their surrounding communities through many different community partnerships. VA Engage, in operation since 2008, connects these universities’ community engagement offices in order to spread new and beneficial ideas and resources to promote beneficial campus-community ties throughout the commonwealth. In addition to facilitating the operation of the Journal, the VA Engage Network hosts an annual meeting each fall and supports the William & Mary Active Citizens Conference.”

Anna Paden Carson (W&L 2016) at work with Tapestri in 2014.
As a legal advocate at Tapestri, Inc. in Atlanta, Georgia this summer, I saw many of my immigrant and refugee clients consumed by fear, desperation, and insecurity, and I quickly realized that many of the women I helped only contacted Tapestri because they truly had nowhere else to turn. They were victims of domestic violence and usually living in America undocumented, making the seriousness of their situations that much more intense and pressing. These women were trapped and alone, and Tapestri’s role was to help them in any way we could. This article explores what I learned throughout my eight-week internship about undocumented immigration and includes suggestions for areas to improve in the immigration field both now and in the future. Recommended Citation – Carson, Anna Paden (2015) “Invisible: My Experiences with the Undocumented and Abused,” VA Engage Journal: Vol. 4, Article 6. Available at: Read Carson’s 2014 Internship Essay about confronting the plight of immigrant women.
Right to Play and Right to Health: the Role of Sub-Saharan Sport for Development Programs in the HIV/AIDS Pandemic – Abstract

Becca Dunn is majoring in Sociology and Anthropology major at W&L (2016).
Using the foundation of a child’s right of health and right to play, programs in sub-Saharan Africa are making unique and powerful contributions to combatting and educating youth regarding HIV/AIDS. Through critical analysis of the programs’ successes and failures, I draw conclusions on the reach of sport programs in mitigating the disease and thus combatting global poverty and draw inferences regarding the direction sport for health development programs should be taking to lessen HIV/AIDS infection rates. Subsequently, I identify two areas for growth for sport for development programs: greater outreach to young women and working in partnerships with other key constituents, specifically in the education, healthcare and political sectors (see Appendix A). Overall I conclude that although future research and expansion of programs is needed, sport for development programs are making valuable contributions to both furthering children’s unalienable rights of bodily health and play as well as combatting the spread of HIV/AIDS. Dunn, Rebecca B. (2015) “Right to Play and Right to Health: the Role of Sub-Saharan Sport for Development Programs in the HIV/AIDS Pandemic,” VA Engage Journal: Vol. 4, Article 5. Available at: Read Dunn’s 2015 Internship Essay, Shelter is a Basic Human Right.